
Spirits Untapped

Investigating the spirit and spirits of bars & breweries



Feeling Groggy?

Yesterday was St. Patrick's Day. If you partook in the festivities, perhaps this morning you are feeling a little groggy. Perhaps, if you were like the tens of thousands of students wandering around the streets of Waterloo yesterday near Ezra... Continue Reading →

Last Year in Beer: Mark’s Experience – 2017

Because of the handy nature of my Untappd account, I’m able to either look up or export a report on all of the beers that I have recorded. I typically report about 99% of the new beers that I have.... Continue Reading →

Pizza Heaven And Beer Magic

Earlier this week, Liz took me to a "new" pizza place she had recently discovered. (I say "new" because it has been there for a while now, but it is still new to us). I've already returned there a second... Continue Reading →

A Recent Gathering of Beer Friends

We recently hosted a party for a couple of friends who are getting married later this year. It was a "Shower" with a "fill the bar" theme. Given the couple's love for craft beer, the party itself had a very... Continue Reading →

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